It’s an expedition!

An elderberry expedition! I was at Darcy’s house this morning when we were weighing our options for what to do with our empty day. We occupied ourselves with the A-Man and a thrift store for a few hours. When we got back, it was suggested that we go elderberry picking. Always up for an expedition, I was more than in!

Her mom makes some killer wine (I tried her rhubarb. awesome!) and wanted to start a batch of elderberry wine. She’d been making a list of places where elderberries are growing on the side of the road.

All in favor of a bit of adventure, Darcy, Caleb, and I hit one of the back roads on the list and found an elderberry bush.

Aren’t they pretty? Well, it turns out we only thought it was an elderberry bush. Oops. When we arrived at the next destination on the list, we discovered only one available berry. Oops. An hour wasted picking the wrong fruit. Here’s the real deal:

Not to be discouraged, we picked the bushes clean. And then discovered that the “trail” we were on was someone’s driveway. Hope that they won’t miss their elderberries!

We picked this times a little more than 2. Not so bad!

Tonight, I discovered a new group that I love! Cadillac native Rachael Davis and the band Steppin’ In It collaborate to form the group Shout Sister Shout. They did a show in the Rotary Pavilion here in town.

I loved it! It was a mix of bluegrass, funk, blues, jazz, etc. I heart fusion bands!

If you get a minute, check them out!

2 thoughts on “It’s an expedition!

  1. Pingback: Come running with me! | Balance and Blueberries

  2. Pingback: Homemade Jam | Balance and Blueberries

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